PSA | A Parent's Nightmare




We had a nightmarish experience a few weeks ago and I feel compelled to share, because if I can spare another family from experiencing this (or something worse), it is well worth it. 

Our brave lil KJ is an explorer and a climber. She loves to climb rocks, trees, hills, etc. Aside from the couch, she doesn’t usually climb things in the house…until a few weeks ago. I was in the kitchen making breakfast, Derek and Steph (my bff of 27 years) were in the other room, and the kids were playing quietly. Until…. we heard a loud CRASH, followed by KJ crying hysterically. 

We ran in and found KJ pinned underneath her fallen dresser, with only her shoulders, neck, and head free. I quickly lifted the dresser and Derek scooped her up, while carefully pulling her feet out of the open drawers. 

Steph and her husband (who is an EMT), happened to be staying the night outside our house in their RV. Steph quickly texted Cramer saying “EMT!” Within 30 seconds he was awake, out of bed, and through the door, ready to do an assessment on our girl. (Btw, that’s how you can spot a good EMT - they go from sleeping to ready to roll in 30 seconds flat).

Thankfully, it was also that quickly that we realized she was 100% fine (aside from being a little shaken up). No scrapes, bumps, or bruises! THANK YOU JESUS! I think Derek and I were way more shaken up than she was. I snuggled her close and rocked her in the rocking chair for about 10 minutes while crying my eyes out. Parenting is a wild ride y’all. Not for the faint of heart. 

Here’s what is maddening. We KNEW about the dangers of furniture not being bolted to the walls. J-man was a climber by 18 months old. So, in our last two houses, we had our furniture bolted to the walls! We moved into our new house a few months ago, and we were holding off on bolting these because we were not totally sure of which rooms the kids would be in for the long term. Well, I’m here to tell you… Put those freaking holes in the wall, even if you have to move them 2 weeks later!! Because you might just have a 2 year old who is “tryna get my socks out mommy” and inadvertently pulls their 4 1/2 ft. dresser over on top of themselves.

SO… If you do nothing else this weekend, PLEASE take the time to bolt your kids’ dressers to the wall. 

Thanks for listening to my PSA. Have a safe weekend, friends!

Kelsey Walne